Monday, July 7, 2014

Getting Back.

HOLY cow, I havent written anything in 10 months. It seems time slipped right under me. We have had a lot going on these past 10 months. Last time I wrote was about Christian's 1st Mission!
MY OH MY, how he has been on a handful of them, and we survived our first deployment! It wasn't easy, but we did it! I am so proud of him and what he does ( just wish sometimes I could go with him) . The deployment was for 2.5 months, and it FLEW by. He got to go to Romania which was pretty cool! I was so thrilled when he was home! He always remembers to bring me back treasures along his way. I think the coolest gifts he has brought back were a shirt from the beer fest in germany, and a cool hand-maded wooden block with my name on it! But the best things he brings back are HAPPY HIPPOS. Seriously these are crack. So good..... you have to have one to believe it. 

In January my Mom got married in VEGAS! That was a really fun trip. My first time in Vegas was a success. WE gambled, drank too much, and played to hard. That damn Sex in the City game gets me everytime! The ceremony was beautiful. it turned out really well. Very quaint, and quiet. 

Our 4th of july was a lot of fun!!! We hung out with amazing friends, drank a ton, and watched some crummy fireworks. I am quite saddened by the lack of fireworks over the water. Enid, OK fireworks trumped these... which I find entertaing and quite depressing. HA

The weather in WA is starting to get really really gorgeous. NO MORE RAIN! :-) When Christian is home, which is very sporatic, we always try to take advantage of it. We hiked up Mt. Rainier.  ( well lets be honest, NOT to the top or anything crazy). 

I also have enjoyed and met some lovely spouses along the way! The 7th squadron has been a blessing. One night we decided to get our painting on... mind you we didnt have a whole lot of instruction. We all just "winged" it. 

WE ALSO HAVE GOTTEN TO GO TO SEASIDE, OR! Which is such a cute beach town! We had a lot of fun. Played in the sweet arcade ( which I won a ton of tickets) Got stupid fake tattoos, and went to cannon beach which is gorgeous! 


Monday, October 14, 2013

Tasting the Life of a Pilot's Wife

Well, here we are.

It seems as though I have prepared my whole life for this, but really no one is prepared to send their husband away. It is only a mission, but its still hard. Once he is out the door, a whole whirlwind of emotions take over. First there is the emotion of; HECK YES, a week to myself, and after a night that goes away quickly... then there is the emotion of what ifs. As we know, being a military wife, you are always concerned and worrying even if it's a simple everyday trip they take. We as women DO NOT see it that way. I am, like most, a worry wart to the extreme. But hey, i guess it beats the alternative.

Anyhow, he is safe, and I cant believe the technology these days. KUDDOS to the military spouses before the days of computers and iphones and ipods and ipads... and ya, you get the point...I can't even begin to wonder what it was like before all of these sweet things we take for granted.

My grandma is a great reminder of how life was "back in the day." She was a military spouse for 22 years, and she has the heart of gold. Waiting patiently for letters from my grandpa that could sometimes take months to arrive... COULD YOU IMAGINE THAT NOWADAYS?

I thank god that we are able to have the abilities now to talk to our spouses/ boyfriends/ significant others in all ways imaginable. It's pretty crazy to think about, and I really really admire and look up to those that couldn't have the advances of technology like we do, and have the resources as we do now to keep in touch with our loved ones. So my hat goes off to the lovely spouses of that generation.


I am loving my new job, working at a bank is SOOOO less stressful, and I come home not being a Bitch. So hey, thats a great START! I have made some pretty awesome friends here in Washington and am looking forward to our future together. Also, some Vance Spouses are here, and I am forever grateful for that!

 It's so true with what they say, that your military friends are the ones you will remain friends with! At first I was doubtful, but now I am beyond blessed with amazing friends, near and far! You all know who you are! Also I have to give a HUGE shout out to Christian's new squad. They are great and all have been welcoming with open arms. I am enjoying all my time here so far, and am looking forward to the next 3 years of Washignton, and what it has to offer.

We are headed to Florida for a few days over thanksgiving break for Christians grandfathers memorial service. He  passed away earlier this year, and we all now have a perfect time to say our goodbyes. It's going to be a very very very tough few days, but as a family I know we all will love on each other and begin to heal.

That's really all I can think of for now,

Till next time:

Friday, September 20, 2013


OMG! I literally have been so bad about updating this bad boy. Well here it goes. We moved here to Washington June 30th, and have currently been LOVING EVERY MINUTE of it! Hence, the reason for no updates. We have eaten at the best resturants, and have explored lots of different towns and areas! Washinton reminds me a lot of Colorado, so needless to say I am not as depressed here, as I was in Oklahoma.


Christian hasn't been fully mission qualified yet, which is great for me, because then I can see him. Pretty soon he will be busy, and then lord knows if we will see each other.

I switched jobs, which is something new for me! Terrified of change, but its a great change! Banking is a whole new world, exciting and fun all at the same time.

My mom comes in today, our first official visitor! Going up to the rainy city of Seattle! To enjoy Starbucks, and well,, rain.... :-D

We are so happy here, and cant wait for more people to visit! COME ONE, COME ALL!


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

"The Evergreen State"

Welcome to beautiful and definitely GREEN, Washington! I am happy to announce that I am officially in Tacoma, Washington! It felt like this would honestly never happen, but when it did it came faster then ever. My last post was about me taking my time to get up here, clearly that changed. I am thrilled I didn't have to do it alone! However, the reason we both are up here at the same time saddens me and hearts my heart.

Christian's grandpa, "Gramps" passed away. It was such a tough week for both of us. Especially Christian. He is and was extremely close to his grandfather. Luckily though and praise God, he got to speak with him the night it happened. I will forever be grateful, that Christian "new" to call his grandparents, It was kind of weird how it all happened. I guess Christian was meaning to call them a few days prior but got tied up with flying and late nights. So he made it a point to make sure to call them the night of. He had said it was a weird phone call and new something was up, I guess Gramps was having a tough time with his arm hurting and told Christian he had been moving money over, and such. I guess you can say he knew his time was up. So that night after they had talked he passed. 

It humbles me to know that Christian was the last person to have spoken to his grandfather, since they are honestly the same man! I know he looks up to Gramps, and they could honestly sit and talk for HOURS! We are truly and beyond blessed to have such an awesome grandfather. We are also lucky to have been able to see him in January. We thank the lord for allowing us the time we had with him, and our hearts are heavy over the loss of such an amazing dad and grandfather.

Needless to say, unfortunately, that was why Christian and I both got to travel together because his dates got changed due to his grandfathers death. Somehow, Gramps knew I couldn't have done this alone, and that I would have probably gotten so lost. For that, I will always be thankful and show so much gratitude. 

So with all that said, that leaves us here, in Tacoma, WA, in a hotel for ten days until our apartment is ready on the 27th of June. Like I said previously his dates had to get changed so now he won't go to SERE until July 26th-Aug. 16th. Which gives us an adequate amount of time to house hunt and begin our lives in the state of WA! 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Life is a highway......

A decent amount has happened in the life of the Drescher's. We currently are on our way to Washington. For me, I will travel a bit slower, I am stopping in Edmond, OK to stay with the bestie, Jamie. Then off to Colorado to see my family, then off to Montana to see Mom, then headed West to Washington. It will take me about a month to get up there, which to be honest I am going to love. It seems like a lot to handle by myself, especially since I am AWFUL with directions. So let's all pray I get there in one piece. I will be traveling with my cats, which yes, at times will make me want to shoot myself, but I know they will enjoy the company of their grandparents, and cousin animal friends. :-D But they will need to be drugged, because the male cat, acts like I am beating him, when in fact he is just hanging out in the carrier. Not a good look, for both of us.
Also, my Grandma's chemo is going well! A lot better then we all had anticipated. Which is sooo terrific. She hasn't gotten "sick" but has lost some hair, which I am sure is humiliating for any woman. But she is such a strong and beautiful person, I know she will recover from all of this, and our family will be back to "normalcy". The doctors are amazed at how well she is responding to treatment, so fingers and toes crossed that everything is starting to get better.
The family is also doing well, Bro got a dog. So i am a Auntie to a sweet sweet Nephew. His name is Finn, and he is the sweetest! Mom is doing well up in Montana, can't wait to see her, and her furr babies again. I havent been up to Montana since my sweet puppy passed away. So I will have to get something small for Kylyn's little grave.

JOB NEWS: I will be working at Starbucks here in OKC for a few days. Then hopefully once I get to Tacoma, I will be able to pick a store out there, and work there until I find something that pertains to my Degree. I really want to get into office admin. stuff, so we shall see. But to me, having a job is better then just sitting at home. So Starbucks it will be for a few months, till I find something I LOVE. Besides, who wouldn't want free coffee?

I really think that is all. I will miss all my Enid family. And i hope they know that they will always have a special place in my heart. <3

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Momma's Day 2013'

"God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers." One of my most cherished quotes. I cant explain to you how much I love my Mom, Grandma, and Aunt, and now my awesome and incredible mother-in-law. We all have something that no one can take . 

My mom is my hero and my best friend. She has stayed up late nights worrying to death about me, and also has comforted me in a time of need. She is the reason I am here, and why my life is full of promises. 

The past few weeks my family has had a lot going on. My grandma was diagnosed with Lymphoma Cancer. However, ( and praise Jesus) it is the kind that is TREATABLE! It also is NOT in her bones. We have hope and a lot of love, for her to be okay. It's tough, because my grandma is literally one of the people in my life I call all the time, and ask for her help. She is a wonderful, wonderful woman! She has such a big heart, and I couldn't EVER imagine life without her. She is the person I need in the delivery room for heavens sake, when I have a baby! I can't have her leave now, and I won't. 

I am going back home for awhile to help around the house, and to just love on my grandma, as much as she has loved on me. She was there for all the yucky open-heart surgery stuff for me, so now its my turn to re-pay her, for all the lovely and caring things she has done for me! 
She starts her first chemotherapy Tuesday May. 14th, and will go in every 3 weeks. I pray for strength and determination as she goes through a grueling process to be here for 15-20 more years!!! :-D 

2" Beloved, I pray that in all things thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth."

I have been brought to this verse as my grandma goes through this tough time! Love you Nanny, and you are going to kick this thing in the BUTT!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A Kiss to Build a Dream On

Last week C and I headed to Nebraska for an awesome wedding. His roommate from the Academy got married to a gorgeous girl! We had so much fun,and definitely felt it all afterwards.It was only a 6 hour drive, so yet again, we packed the car up and headed onward. I feel like these months have literally flown by! Christian has completed almost two months of training down in Altus, and I have been surviving on my own here in Enid. Thankfully I have wonderful friends left here, and a job to keep my sanity M-F. It's kind of a surreal yet weird feeling almost getting out of Enid. I am so excited for Washington, and what new adventures lay ahead of us. I just really am nervous to start over, if that makes sense.

We have recently decided on buying a house up there. So being new homeowners will be so EXCITING! Our must have's because everyone has them, is that we want 3 bd. 2 bath, open and spacious kitchen, and at least a one car garage! That can't be too hard to find, right? I have been watching a TON of HGTV, those shows are really addicting and bad for the mind, and your wallet. :-)

In other news, next month we are headed to Colorado for a wedding, and then I will be staying an extra week behind. YAY!!!!One last hoorah, before moving! Miss my family to death!

I am sure you are wondering about my job, at Starbucks and what direction I am headed with that.Well after many months of debating, and going back and forth I have decided to stay with the company. I will be a "borrowed partner" for the times I cant have a permanent store. Like traveling to Spokane, and being up there for three weeks. All I need is to at least work 1 day a week, to still be technically an employee. However, all this sounds easy and wonderful, but I do have a degree in English, that I want to use. It's so tough knowing what to do, and what direction to go. But I love what I do right now, and couldn't see myself leaving the company right now. Maybe, in the future once we are settled in WA, I will get a job related to my degree, and only work some weekends at SBUX. But for now, I am a happy camper right where I am.

That is all for now,
Alaina D